Monday, April 19, 2021

Book Review : The Stolen Kingdom by Jillian Boehme


Title: The Stolen Kingdom

Author: Jillian Boehme

Page Count: 327 pages

Publication Date: 2021 by Tor Teen, A Tom Doherty Associates Book

Jillian Boehme creates a world with powerful magic in The Stolen Kingdom, but people with the ability to use this powerful magic are rare. A young cook at her father’s winery has a secret that could get her killed. A young prince wants nothing to do with his father’s destructive, oppressive magic, the only legal magic in the kingdom. Let the plotting begin. With memorable characters and a strong turning point, The Stolen Kingdom is a laudable addition to the Fantasy genre.

I studiously tried to make notes after each chapter. The first chapter was easy, due to the slow start. But each chapter got progressively harder and harder to stop reading to make notes. The chapters are short and things pick up quickly. Halfway through The Stolen Kingdom, self-control exhausted, I rushed ahead, finishing in the wee hours of the night.

Boheme is a fresh voice in fantasy. In her second published fantasy novel, she accomplishes what few modern authors pull off, a good fantasy story that treats religion with respect. And despite frequent power grabs and betrayals, the heroine manages a rare feat also. She shatters her glass ceiling while staying true to herself. She doesn't even sacrifice her feminine side.

This is a book where even the villains, though terrifying, are written with a sympathetic quality. Several characters showed refreshing altruism. Though the trappings of religion are somewhat sparse in the story itself, this book sits well with a religious viewpoint. A nice achievement for a fantasy story. All in all, The Stolen Kingdom is an uplifting and enjoyable read that is hard to put down, especially in the second half. Bravo to Jillian Boehme.

5 stars

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