the midpoints in between fascinating. They are called quarter days and cross quarter days, in some cirles and they provide grounding for people. They help us align our biological, solar, lunar and circadian rhythms with the rhythms of nature, of which the planetary movements act as the macro-beat for the song of the earth.
Understanding the quarter and cross quarter days has been essential
in designing an fantasy alternative Earth based dimension that I will
be using in my SylF` Tree Sagas series.
The quarters and cross quarters (I name the cross quarter days with
their Celtic names) are summer solstice,(Midsummer) June 19-23rd;
Lugnasadh, August 1st; autumnal equinox (Mabon), September
21-4th ; Samhain, November 1stst; winter
solstice (Yule), December 20-3rd ; Imbolc, February 2st;
vernal equinox (Ostara), March 19-22nd; Beltain, May 1st.
Here's a link to a Wikipedia infographic for
Quarter and Cross quarter days
Quarter and Cross quarter days
Just FYI, when I was researching for this post I discovered that the celebrations of and names for the these days are a newer addition to modern paganism. Most of the days were celebrated but it is unlikely that any ancient people celebrated all of them. The fact that the effects of latitudes on the timing of the solar cycle varies the onsets of the seasons for some might have something to do with this. But the celebration of all 8 days and some of the names are a recent additions.
Summary Of Mythological Species
I categorize the species by size, forms, habitats, function and alphabetically. I hope this is helpful to others. I certainly enjoyed doing it.
Non flying - Leprechauns, Clurichauns, Mushroom Men, Gnomes, Imps, Acorn Men
Good - Dwarfs, Elves, Santa's Elves, Brownies, Bwca, Leprechauns, Clurichauns, Gnomes, Acorn Men, Fox Fairies, Fenoderee, cupids
Bad - Dwarfs, Duerger(dark dwarfs), Gnomes, Imps, Knockers, Kobolds,
Mushroom Men, redcaps, flying monkeys, monkey people, Spriggins,
Good - Dwarfs, Elves, Santa's Elves, Brownies, Bwca, Leprechauns, Clurichauns, Gnomes, Acorn Men, Fox Fairies, Fenoderee, cupids
Human Size
Good - Elves, Liosalfar(light elves), Svartalfar(dark elves), Sidhe/Shee (Daoine Sidhe), Changelings, Nymphs, Imps, Genies, Ifreet, Peris, Seelie and Unseelie Courts, Kitsune/Fox Maidens/Fox Fairies, Hulda Folk, Pwca, Wood Elves, dryads, Hamadryads, Fauns, Satyr, Snake people, Valkyrie, angels,
Bad - Goblins, Changelings, Hobs, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Berserks, Werboars, Werwolves, Vampires, Bogie Men, Bogles, Boggarts, Fir Darrig, Wichtlein, trows, Formorii, Medusas, Gorgons, Harpies, Sirens, Furies/Erinyes
- Selkies, Mermaids and Mermen, Korrigans, Oceaids(?), Loreleii,
Rushalki, Glaistigs, Undines, Nymphs, Nixes, Nisses, Necks(?),
Nereids, Naiads, Asrai, Merrows,Sirens,Good - Elves, Liosalfar(light elves), Svartalfar(dark elves), Sidhe/Shee (Daoine Sidhe), Changelings, Nymphs, Imps, Genies, Ifreet, Peris, Seelie and Unseelie Courts, Kitsune/Fox Maidens/Fox Fairies, Hulda Folk, Pwca, Wood Elves, dryads, Hamadryads, Fauns, Satyr, Snake people, Valkyrie, angels,
Bad - Goblins, Changelings, Hobs, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Berserks, Werboars, Werwolves, Vampires, Bogie Men, Bogles, Boggarts, Fir Darrig, Wichtlein, trows, Formorii, Medusas, Gorgons, Harpies, Sirens, Furies/Erinyes
Super Strong Human - Maenads, Wild men, Argonauts, Heroes, Amazons, Lotus-eaters, Scyldings, Geats, Vikings, Gypsies, Knights of Fianna(Red Branch), Knights of the Round Table, Knights of Charlemagne, Knights Templar, Niblungs, Cossacks, Volsungs, Philistines,
Magical Human - Wizards, Alchemists,Yogis, Zen Masters, Ninjas, Shamans, Medicine men, Witches and Warlocks, Witch doctors, hags, Golden Race,
Demi-gods - Saints, Ancestors, Buddhas, Hesperiads, Naiads, Muses, Seasons, Horas, Fairy God Mothers
Bad - Giants, Hobs, Hobgoblins, Yetis/Abominable Snow People, Trolls, Minotaurs, Jotun(Frost Giants), Fire Giants, Cyclops, titans, Manticores, Sphinxes, Ogres, Gargoyles, Manticores, Sphinxes
Bad - Giants, Hobs, Hobgoblins, Yetis/Abominable Snow People, Trolls, Minotaurs, Jotun(Frost Giants), Fire Giants, Cyclops, titans, Manticores, Sphinxes, Ogres, Gargoyles, Manticores, Sphinxes
Good - Centaurs, Giants, Yetis/Abominable Snow People, Titans, Nephlim
Change Size
- Pookas(rabbit, horse), Changelings(human),
Animal People
Animal form frequently – Pookas(rabbit, horse), Changelings(human), Werwolves(wolves), Vampires(bats, wolves, owls, cats), Selkies(seals), Kitsune/Fox Maidens/Fox Fairies (fox), Berserks (bears), Werboars(boars)
Hairy - Yetis/Abominable Snow People, Wild Men and Women, flying monkeys, monkey people
Plant People - Nymphs, Dryads, Hamadryads, Rushkalas?, Fairies, Pixies, Sprites, Flower Fairies, Mushroom Men, Acorn Men
Water People
Salt – Selkies, Kelpies, Mermaids and Mermen, Korrigans, Pookas, Oceaiads(?),
Fresh - Lori -leis, Nymphs, Nixes, Nisses, Necks(?), Pookas, Snake people, Nereiads,
Fire (Forge) People
- Fire Giants, Dwarfs, Duerger(dark dwarfs), Imps, Knockers, Kobolds,
Ifreet, Svartalfar(dark elves), devils, demons, Satan, Lucifer,
Earth People
– Zombies, Snake people, Minotaurs, Dwarfs, Brownies, Gnomes,
Duerger(dark dwarfs), Imps, Knockers, Kobolds, Elves, Liosalfar(light
elves), Svartalfar(dark elves), Shee, Seelie and Unseelie Courts,
Trolls, Lares, Gargoyles
FUNCTIONS (BASIC PURPOSES) (Any of these humanoids could be treated as local gods/spirits.)
Pychopomps/Ticksters –
(Giving advice, Giving gifts, Guides to supernatural places, Guides
to states of mind)Pucas, buccas, Pucks, Changelings, Wild Men and Women, Genies, Ifreet, Will-O-Wisps, Banshees, Norns, Valkyrie, Fates, Svartalfar(dark elves), Shee, Changelings, Nymphs, Genies, Peris(?), Seelie and Unseelie Courts, Fox Fairies, Valkyrie, angels, Genuis, Lares, cupids, Meanads, Muses, Seasons, Horas, Fairy God Mothers
Devils – (Corporal form)
devils, demons, Satan, Lucifer, Genius, Lares, Imps, Wild Men and Women, Genies, Ifreet, Peris, Vampires, Rushkalas, Incubus, Succubus, Werwolves, Berserks, Werboars, Snake people, Zombies, Svartalfar(dark elves), Shee Changelings, Nymphs, Imps, Genies, Ifreet, Peris(?), Seelie and Unseelie Courts, Fox Fairies, Valkyrie, angels, Furies/Erinyes(birds/bats), oni, Sirens(wings/fish), Bogie Men
Specters – (Without corporal form)
fairies, imps, brownies, monkey people, dwarfs, goblins, elves,
nymphs, satyrs, genies, merfolk, wercreatures, vampires, specters,
mutants, naturalized humans, super strong humans, magical humans,
snow people, demi-gods, gods, trolls, giants,
acorn men alfar angels banshee boggarts boogies brownies bwcachangelings clurichans dryads demigods demons dwarfs efreets elves
erineyes fairies flower fairies fauns furies formorii genii gnomes
goblins gods hamadryads imps incubus lares leprechauns meanads
merfolk mushroom men naiads necromancers nixes nisses neraiads peris
pixies ruskulas satyrs sealies sprites succubus undines vampires
werfolk will-o-wisps yeti
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