Mythological Humanoids # 4 –
Sidhe, #5 – Banshee, #6 – Tuath de Danaan, #7 – Fomorianns, #8
- FirBolg
A Fairy Rade was a procession of
trooping fairies often on horseback parading through the countryside,
or even through the air. It was a grand affair when the fairy kings
and queens would tour. A Midsummernight's Dream by Shakespeare
portrays one of these processions on the stage.
First, who are the sidhe? Sidhe or shee
means "hill" in Irish and danoine sidhe (pronounced dinny
she) means "people of the hill" according to Alfred
Perceval Graves in The Irish Fairy Book. But according to Paul
Muldoon in Irish Fairy and Folk Tales it means "fairy
people." They are also called the the slooa-shee or sheagh
sidhe, "fairy host," and Marcra shee, "fairy
cavalcade." They are frequently called the "gentry" or
daoine maithe, "good people," to pacify them, because they
are both easily offended and dangerous to offend.
There are also differing ideas of whether the shee are immortal of just long lived. Either way the boundary between fairy land and our world has some sort of time distortion, because many folk tales tell of time passing differently when spent among the sidhe than spent in our world. Usually the time with the sidhe feels short, but is long. Sometimes the time feels long, but is short. But most folktales say do not eat their food or you will be trapped forever in their time. Though some folktales mention antidotes to this problem.
Many stories tell of the sidhe becoming invisible and passing among the people of Ireland unknown. There is a magic eye ointment that makes seeing them possible even when they are invisible. But people caught using it may be blinded by the sidhe for the violation of privacy. Perhaps this is because some sidhe use fairy glamour, an illusion, to make themselves appear other than what they really are and the ointment allows the user to see through the glamour to the poverty beneath. But if you need protection from the Sidhe, they can not abide iron.
#5. Banshee – This is literally a "woman shee", though the role they fill is much more specific than the name would imply. Often these women are omens of death, wailing as if already in mourning for the one about to die. They can some times be seen by a river, lake or well washing the blood out of the clothes of the doomed one. They are often dressed in white, but sometimes in black and can be young, old, or skeletal. They can be beautiful or hideous, but in veritably, someone dies when the wail of the banshee is heard.
These others will have longer posts later, but for clarity here's a brief description:
#6. Tuath de Danaan – One of the early mythical invaders of Ireland, mentioned in the Lebor Gabala Erenn, the Book of Invasions. They were either a race of gods, or a race of highly magical and very skilled people. Their chief enemies were the Fomorians, who maybe their counterparts. Famous individuals among them were: Danaan, female ancestor or mother goddess; Dagda, Lugh, actually a highly skilled Formorian, or half-breed according to some sources and others, a sun god.
#7. Formorians - Early mythical pirates that lived off the coast of Ireland on Tory Island, mentioned in the Lebor Gabala Erenn, the Book of Invasions. They were known to be either ugly and misshappen, or of a kind with the Tuath De Danaan, even intermarrying with them, though frequently at war with them anyway.
#8. Fir Bolg - One of the early mythical invaders of Ireland, mentioned in the Lebor Gabala Erenn, the Book of Invasions. They were a shortish human race that were replaced by the Tuath De Danaan.
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