This post is a contribution to the February issue of Animist Blog Carnival :
on the theme of Animist Ethics, through a blog called animist jottings:
on the theme of Animist Ethics, through a blog called animist jottings:
The question I ask as a person who feels a strong connection to both Animism and Catholic Christianity is: Can an Animist be a Christian and vice versa? Are they mutually exclusive or can they be compatible?
The Animist Blog Carnival suggests that animism is open to interpretation. Many examples of other's definitions are listed. Graham Harvey’s Animist Manifesto states that
“All that exists lives All that lives is worthy of respect You don’t
have to like what you respect Not liking someone is no reason for not
respecting them Respecting someone is no reason for not eating them” This and other definitions proposed suggests that Animism doesn't have with the Christianity.